October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to increase awareness of this disease.
“Breast cancer affects 1 in 7 women and is the leading cause of cancer death in females”
Diagnosis of breast cancer is not always a “black and white” straight forward process and requires not just knowledge but experience. Sometimes a breast symptom such as pain can lead to investigations that may lead to an incidental finding of cancer. This may even in the breast with no symptoms. Similar issues arise pertaining to age group and breast density.
If a procedure is required and involves a cancer diagnosis, it is important to be aware of the implications of further treatment, such as a course of radiation, and how this may affect the aesthetic outcome, as well as long term effects of underlying tissue (such as the heart and lung). This will determine which surgical option is the best for the most favourable oncological as well as cosmetic end result.
This is where Dr Nicole Yap’s bespoke breast care approach is so important, to achieve the best possible work up of your breast health whether you present with a breast symptom or just for aesthetic improvement reasons.
Dr Nicole Yap is a highly qualified leading expert in breast and skin oncoplastic surgery in Australia. Dr Yap is one of the few practitioners in Australia who is qualified and specialises in the dual practice of tumour removal with breast reconstruction.
“25% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are under 50 years.”
Unfortunately, younger age groups (< 50 years) breast symptoms are not always acknowledged by primary health care providers or the general population as important, and therefore not always managed appropriately.
Dr Yap believes the surgical implications of breast cancer treatment should also consider the aesthetic outcome, but this is commonly overlooked resulting in further psychological trauma that is preventable.
This is the hallmark of Dr Yap’s breast oncoplastic surgery where the tumour is appropriately removed, and the breast is simultaneously recreated using plastic surgical techniques. Without these techniques many women are left with unpleasant results that impact their body image and self-esteem for years after treatment.
Cancers may be found in patients who present for non-cancer related procedures. Dr Yap enforces mandatory work-up screening to identify any breast pathology, prior to cosmetic breast surgery as an additional preventative measure. This often results in detecting cancers that would otherwise go undetected, and consequently saves lives.
Dr Yap’s unique combination of skill means her patients can receive treatment for cancer combined with cosmetic outcomes in the same surgery with a single qualified surgeon. This improved approach to the management of breast cancer should enable patients to deal with this disease in a positive way. A positive mind assists in achieving an overall improved outcome.
Dr Yap’s message to women, is that breast cancer need not be a death sentence if women are in tune with their bodies. Early diagnosis is key to survival and women should seek advice early when concerned about symptoms. “Regardless of your age, get tested today. “ says Dr Yap
Dr Yap currently practices from St Vincent’s, Epworth, Holmesglen Private, Reservoir, and Mulgrave Private
For more information or to make an appointment today, please visit www.drnicoleyap.com.au.
Get social with @DrNicoleYap #CheckThoseBreasts

Dr Yap is available for media interviews upon request.
For all media enquiries, please contact: Belinda Visser, bella PR mb. 0431274169 e. belinda@bellapr.com.au