Collaborative Efforts: Ensuring Prompt Biopsies with Mulgrave Private Hospital

13 October 2022

Greetings to all those who champion the early detection and management of breast cancer! Today, I am thrilled to shine a spotlight on a remarkable partnership that truly embodies the essence of collaborative care and unwavering dedication.

In the bustling realm of healthcare, time is of the essence. It is with immense pride that I acknowledge the exceptional teamwork with the i-med team at Mulgrave Private Hospital. This dynamic team consistently goes the extra mile to ensure that my patients not only receive their necessary biopsies but also undergo them on the same day as their visit.

Such synchronization and efficiency are not just commendable; they are game-changers in the realm of breast cancer care. The i-med team at Mulgrave Private Hospital grasps the urgency of early detection and the pivotal role it plays in effective management. Their dedication resonates through their actions, offering hope, assurance, and a sense of empowerment to each patient.

As I extend my heartfelt gratitude to this exceptional team, I invite you all to join me in acknowledging their efforts. Let’s unite in applauding their professionalism, commitment, and unyielding support, which are instrumental in the journey toward early breast cancer diagnosis and management.

In the spirit of unity and raising awareness, I urge you to take a moment to appreciate the significance of early detection, the incredible dedication of the i-med team, and the importance of joining hands during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Your simple act of liking and supporting the Australian Breast Care Centre’s not-for-profit charity page resonates far beyond the virtual world, fostering a culture of vigilance and care.

#breastcancerawareness #CheckThoseBreasts

Please like my not for profit charity page Australian Breast Care Centre and show your support during #breastcancerawarenessmonth

Cancer Council Victoria